Having a crush on someone is great but acting like a creep in front of your crush is not definitely not okay and is not going to get you anyway closer to them. Here’s everything you shouldn’t do if you have a crush on someone:
1. Don’t stalk them on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Snapchat
Stalking will not do anything. It’s useless to obsess over their social media activities.
2. Don’t send them creepy “I want to friendship with you” messages
Nobody likes those messages. They will probably never reply to that message.
3. Don’t follow them home or to work everyday
You don’t want to be a crazy stalker and you don’t want them to report you to the police.

4. Don’t be mean to them
If you think you can get to like them by being mean, then you are wrong. No one like mean people.
5. Don’t use their friends to get closer to them
6. Or their siblings
7. Don’t act dumb in front of them
If you are trying to please them by being dumb, then you need to get some brains.
8. Don’t be desperate
We know you like them and all but just don’t act desperate.
9. Don’t change yourself to get their attention
If you have to change yourself to get them to like you then it is simply not worth it.
10. Don’t wait for the right time. Just tell them
There is nothing like “right time.” Just go and tell them!