It’s a make or break situation, your resume lets your recruiters know everything you want them to know about you. And, so it becomes hugely important for you to know what exactly you need to avoid when crafting your resume. Here’s what you should never include in your resume:
1. Your hobbies
Nobody is actually interested in what you like to do in your leisure time.
2. Your previous salary
This information is completely unnecessary and may send the wrong message.
3. Achievements that are not exactly achievements
Your experience as the School Cricket Team Captain or admin to a weird Facebook page is not relevant to the job you are applying for.
4. A photograph or physical description
A description about what you look like or even images of yourself should never be included on a CV, unless it is a requirement of the job that you are applying for.
5. Personal information
Leave out any reference to your religion, gender, sexual preference, political party, or anything else that could be construed as remotely controversial.
6. An email address that you created when you were 10
It doesn’t matter that you’ve used as your primary email address for years. Leave it off your resume. If that’s the only email account you have, create a new one with a professional name
7. Irrelevant work experience
If it has nothing to do with the job you are applying for, it’s best to leave it out and focus on the jobs that have direct experience with your current interest for work.
8. Crazy fonts and colors
If you’re in a creative position, save the creative designs for your online portfolio. Employers still need a version of your resume that can be easily uploaded, parsed and stored in their online tracking system.
9. Your Age
If you don’t want to be discriminated against for a position because of your age, it’s time to remove your graduation date or birth year.
10. References upon request
If your employers want to speak to your references, they’ll ask you. You don’t have to include the cliched, “References available upon request”.