10 Things You Start Doing When You Are Working 9 to 5
Published: Oct 18, 2024

Every job has its own perks and struggles but there is a huge population of the world that does a 9 to 5 job. If you happen to be one of those people then you might have noticed (or not) some of the things that you have started doing. Here is a list of things you start doing after you get a 9 to 5 job:

1. You can’t stay up late, even if you want to, because you are REALLY tired.

Source: Tumblr

2. You get stuck in the coffee/chai/bathroom cycles.

Step 1: Drink Coffee


Step 2: Go to the loo


And Repeat!

3. You start saying ‘thank you’ and ‘please’ for no reason.

Source: Tumblr
Source: Tumblr

4. You will either start skipping meals or will eat ALL the time.

Source: Tumblr

5. You have a gazillion tabs open at all times, half of them are work related and one of them is where you whine to your friends about work.

Source: Giphy

6. You craft a playlist to fit different moods at work.


7. You start using work acronyms outside of work without realising that no one else understands them.

“The ‘HL’ I saw the other was really vague.”

And people are like:

Source: Giphy

8. Your co-workers become your 2nd family!

Source: Tumblr

9. You get really really excited about free food at work…


But you have to keep yourself in check to avoid embarrassment.


10. You can now relate to all the office related series that you watched in your jobless days.

Source: Tumblr

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