Sehri is the meal eatneb at the start of your fast before sunrise. It’s the time when you need to eat what your body needs and not what your taste buds want. You need to eat something that will keep your energy levels high throughout the day and also eat something that will keep your metabolism in check.
Here are some tips on how to eat healthy at Sehri:
1. Your Sehri should be high in fiber and complex carbohydrates.
Foods like porridge, beans, daal, green vegetables are all high and fiber and complex carbohydrates. The body takes longer to break down and absorb these foods making you feel full throughout the day.
2. Don’t have a huge Sehri
Having a huge Sehri to combat hunger throughout the day is not good. Heavy meals at Sehri are a burden on the stomach and can lead to indigestion, heartburn and bloating.
3. Don’t sleep directly after eating Sehri
Sleeping directly after eating can be a burden on your stomach.

4. Drinking tea is a no no
Tea contains caffeine which increase urination and water loss in the body increasing thirst. So don’t drink tea at Sehri

5. Don’t drink too much water
Drinking too much water at Sehri causes bloating and indigestion. It is recommended to drink water gradually and slowly during Sehri.

6. Don’t eat fatty foods
Fatty foods, such as fried foods do not hold any nutritional value and will make you feel sick in the morning.
7. Eat fruits and vegetables
A good helping of fruits can help you overcome your thirst throughout the day.

8. Don’t eat sugary foods
Sugary foods such as cakes and chocolates will taste good and give you instant energy but will also make you hungry faster.
9. Wake up early
Eat your Sehri early and not at the last minute. You’ll have more time to digest your food before falling back to sleep
10. Eat at Sehri
Keeping a Roza without a Sehri is not ideal. You’ll feel weak the whole day, your metabolism will slow down and will most likely experience dehydration and head aches.
Erslan said | Great article! |
Great article!