Yes! There is a way to lose weight without dieting or exercising. Don’t expect to lose 10 kgs in 2 weeks but you will eventually start slimming down after a few weeks of following these tips.
Here are ten tips to help you lose weight:
1. Chew slowly
Your brain needs time to process what you’re eating chewing slower makes you eat slower and will make you feel fuller.
2. Use smaller plates
Eating in smaller plates will trick you into thinking you’re eating more it will also get you eating less.
3. Keep healthy foods close
No, we aren’t telling you to stop eating what you want. But having the option of eating healthy foods and having them closer to you could help you choose the food with the least calories.
4. Protein
Eating protein actually helps you lose weight
5. Don’t skip breakfast
Your body needs breakfast it’s the most important meal of the day. Missing it slows down your metabolism.
6. Eat your fruit
Eating your fruit before your meals. Fruits digest quickly and supplies you with energy and helps you lose weight.
7. Eat fiber rich foods
Fiber rich foods will make you feel full longer. Foods such as beans, oats, cereals and oranges.
8. Avoid eating after 8pm
Eating your last meal before 8pm this way you don’t eat a lot before dinner time.
9. Don’t watch T.V while eating
When we are eating while watching T.V we aren’t mindful of what and how much we are eating.
10. Drink water
Yes! We are 70% water and we need to drink a lot of it. Drink a lot of water also raises your metabolism. Drinking water before your meals also fills you up and will make you eat less.