10 Types Of Bosses That You Will Come Across In Pakistan
Published: Sep 20, 2024

After you are done with school and college, the next step is to get a job and every job comes with a boss. You could be an entrepreneur and become a boss yourself (sigh… wishful thinking) but until that happens, you will, most definitely, come across many different types of bosses in your professional life.

Here is a list of bosses you might come across:

1. The Motivational Boss

“Shabash! Aaj bohat acha kaam kiya hai. Keep it up!”


2. The Sweet Buddy Boss

The ones who are very friendly and actually socialise with their subordinates. And they are pretty heavy on the please and thank yous. “Please, can you do this”, “Thank you so much” and “That was great!”


3. The Nit-picker Boss

S/he is never happy with what you do. “Ye kya kiya hai?” “Kaam karna nahi ata kisi ko?!”

Source: Giphy

4. The Badass Boss

The one who can handle any situation at any time. Everyone looks up to him/her for their badassery. Everyone loves him/her because they are that awesome! Literally,


5. The Hater Of All

Sab k sab nalaiq hain yahan pe”

Source: Giphy

6. The Screamer

Even when they talk it looks like they are SCREAMING!

Source: Tumblr

7. The One Who Has A Favourite

This boss has a favourite employee and no matter how much they screw up they never get in to trouble. That gives the said employee bragging rights and privileges you just don’t get.


8. The Tharki boss

This boss is the one who is always flirting with the colleagues.
“Aaj tou app bohat achi lag rahi hain.”

Source: Giphy

9. The MIA Boss

This boss misses all the action and isn’t even bothered about it most of the time; so the employees tend to work out a system amongst themselves to deal with it.


10. The Fearsome Boss

The one who is capable of instilling fear in his employees. No one questions him/her and no one dares to either. When they walk in the room, sab ki phat jati hai.

Source: Giphy

Was your boss on the list? If you’re a boss, are you on the list? ;)
Let us know in the comments below!