Traveling by train is always exciting. You enjoy beautiful sceneries, explore new stations and you also meet a lot of people in your train journey. Here are 10 types of people you will meet in Pakistani train.
1. The Anday And Chai Wala Salesman
The one who keeps shouting “Garam anday aur Chai ley lo” after every hour.
2. The Complainers
People who complain about everything on the train, from the ticket to the station, literally everything. In fact the purpose of their life is to just complain.
3. Sleeping Beauty
The one who is always sleeping peacefully in the train.
4. Door Side Dudes
Boys who love to stand at train’s door, they don’t buy tickets to sit on seats they buy it to stand at the door.
5. The Only Hot Girl
The one and only hot girl, who is sitting with her brothers in the train.
6. Annoying Kids
There will always be that one annoying kid who won’t stop crying.

7. The Weird Stranger
The one who will never talk to you but he/she will stare at you till your entire train journey ends.

8. The Persistent Talkers
He/she will talk and talk and talk, even if you don’t reply to them or you are not interested in listening to them. They cannot stay quite at all.

9. Game Lovers
From antakshari to chupan chupai, these kids play all sorts of games in the train.

10. The Overburdened Luggage Person
From under seats to upper berth every available empty space around them is filled with their luggage.