10 Useful Tips To Survive This Heat
Published: Apr 29, 2024

With the temperature in Karachi as high as 34 degrees, we all know how hard it is to survive the heat, the hot weather scrapes out our energies and our patience every day, the city is also expecting severe heatwaves in May and June.

Here are 10 useful tips that will help you survive this blistering heat

1. Stay hydrated, its the time to try out all the smoothies and lassi’s in town. Make it a habit to have one glass of fresh juice everyday.

2. Avoid going outside in sunny hours. Stay under the shades if you must.


3. Take cold showers, preferably twice a day.

4. Wear lawn and cotton clothes, avoid wearing dark colours.


5. Avoid all kinds of junk food intake.

6. Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes.

7. Hydrate yourself with summer-friendly fruits like watermelons and strawberries.

8. Spend less time in the kitchen, while you cook food make sure the exhaust fan is on.

9. Dip your feet in a cold water tub before you hit the bed to sleep.

10. Don’t forget the birds and pets, they too, feel the intense heat.