Touch is one of the five sense a person has, it’s also the most underrated sense. Through touch you can makes someone feel better, release happy hormones and relieve physical and mental pain. Here are some ways a simple touch can change your life:
1. Holding someones hand can reduce a persons stress levels
Holding on to someones hand for 10 minutes can undo the effects of stress and correct their heart rate and blood pressure. This is because oxytocin counters the effect of cortisol which is a stress hormone.
2. Women who are hugged often are healthier
A study found that women who are hugged often have lower blood pressure, heart rate and a higher levels of oxytocin which is the happy hormone.
3. A guy touches a woman’s arm he has a better chance with her
A study found that a gentle brush of a womans arm can increase a mans chance with her.
4. Hugs can ease pain
Hugging relaxes your muscles, also relieves pain by releasing endorphins.
5. If a teachers pats a students back the student will perform better
A platonic touch increases learning and increase the students confidence and want to do well in class.
6. Massages makes you smarter
A study found people performed a lot better if they were given a massages before their task. Massages relax you and make you more capable of performing tasks.
7. Hugging children makes them grow
According to this study the more you hug children the more they will grow.
8. Children who aren’t hugged often tend to be violent
If children aren’t hug and shown affection they tend to be more violent and aggressive.
9. Patting athletes on the back make them do better
A study found NBA player who patted each other on the back performed better than those who didn’t.
10. The more you hug the better your immunity
Hugging makes your body create more white blood cells while helps your immunity.
I think I know what I need right now