When you set out to do something you need a game plan or a bit of structure on how to go about it. Be it finishing your home work, reaching a deadline, giving a presentation or even taking over the world you need to follow these steps to complete whatever it is you set out to do and believe me reading this article is the first step to it:
1. Visualize
Visualise yourself accomplishing your goal, finishing it and going through with it
2. Focus
Focus on what you want, don’t go out to conquer the world think about what you want exactly and how you can achieve it
3. Write it down
You are more likely to finish the goals you write down than those you don’t
4. Specify
What will you need to achieve your goal, the information and materials you need nothing extra
5. Prioritise
Don’t focus on things that aren’t important and things you want, focus on what you NEED to achieve your goal
6. Break it down
Break down what you need to do into steps and then set out to complete things step by step
7. Hold yourself accountable
No one can do it except you take responsibility and hold yourself accountable
8. Tell people
People who will hold you accountable if you aren’t completing your goal or who will motivate you at the same time
9. Research
Research what you have to do, how it gets done and get down to it
10. Get ready for it to be tough
Nothing worth having comes easy, so prepare for life to be tough and the road to be rocky