Lower back pain has been known to plague many people. It could be blamed on bad posture, your bed or a sports injury. Here are some ways to get rid of lower back pain.
1. Exercise
What better way to get rid of back pain but by exercising and strengthening our lower back
2. Posture
Many people have bad posture which ruins their bodies alignment. Fixing your posture can heal your back pain.
3. Limit rest
Even resting on your bed for long periods of time can cause lower back pain.
4. Strengthen your core
Exercises like planks and super man holds are known to strengthen your back and ease pain
5. Improve flexibility
Some yoga poses are known to help back pain, improve posture and improve overall health.
6. You’re sleeping wrong
“Sleeping in a bad position can cause back pain, people who sleep on their back should put pillows under their knees. People who sleep on their side should put a pillow between their knees to keep their spine in a neutral position and people who sleep on their stomach should stop because it causes the neck and head to twist and can put undue stress on the back.
7. Stop smoking
Smokers won’t only have lung problems but former smokers are more likely to have back pain when compared with people who have never smoked.
8. Change your mattress
Sometimes the problem is with your mattress and not you, If your mattress doesn’t keep your back straight it could be a problem
9. Go for a massage
You could have knots in your back that just need to be massaged out.
10. Acupuncture
Acupuncture may provide more relief than pain killers.