Going to the gym can be extremely difficult with a busy schedule. It’s not your fault if you happen to gain a few pounds and want to lose the weight but just can’t find the time. Here are simple tricks to lose or lessen that belly:
1. Deep breathing
Stress is one of the major reasons people gain weight, taking deep breaths reduces it substantially.
2. Sleep
Yes, not getting enough sleep is one of the reasons people gain weight. So make sure you catch up on those Zzz.
3. Olive oil
Olive oil is a healthier alternative to sunflower oil, it helps you digest food aster and also contains chemicals that tell your brain you’re full.
4. Drink milk
Milk contains calciums that prevents fats from forming.
5. Eat fruit
Fruits contain a lot of fiber and fiber help that digestive system going. Foods like apples, bananas and oranges have a high fiber content and would do wonders!
6. Work standing
This may be weird but standing up whilst working will help you lose weight because when you stand your body increases blood circulation and your metabolism. Plus it’s better than sitting for 8 hours.
7. Eat more protein
Proteins help build muscle, just eating protein won’t help you build muscles but it won’t make you fat either.
8. Healthy snacks
Things like dry fruits and almonds are much better to munch on than chips and fizzy drinks.
9. Drink your vegetables
Cooking your vegies makes them lose many of the essential nutrients they contain, juicing them, however, makes it easier for you to absorb the nutrients they contain!
10. Cook your own food
We have the bad habit of eating food from outside which contain a lot of fat and practically no nutrients. Cooking your own meals means you control what you’re eating and how much. Eat healthy, yo.