Monday is the worst day of the week. It’s when you have to start your boring routine all over again and it’s also the furthest day away from Friday. So what do you do to make Monday more bearable?
You do these things:
1. Prepare for Monday on Sunday
Make a to do list, organise everything you need for Monday on a Sunday
2. Eat a good breakfast
Start your day right by treating yourself properly
3. Dress to impress
If you look good you feel good. Putting in some effort into your appearance will make you feel better about coming into work on Monday
4. Listen to some of your favourite songs
No, not Adele listen to something fun and uplifting
5. Plan something to do later on in the day
It’ll be something to look forward to like a plan with friends, going to the arcade or even going to your favourite restaurant for food.
6. Make Monday your cheat day!
If you want to reward yourself and make Mondays look better make it your cheat day!
7. Bond with your co workers
Find out what they did over the weekend and share what you did. It’ll be a fun bonding experience for both of you!
8. Walk
Yes walk around your office, look busy. It’ll clear your mind
9. Organise your work space
Clear it up so it’ll look neat and clean
10. Fake being happy
Fake it till you make it is actually true, our actions determine our perceptions about ourselves. If we believe we are having fun we will be.