10 Ways To Make Waking Up Suck Less
Published: Sep 11, 2024

Waking up early in the morning is considered to be one of the most difficult missions a human being has to do. Waking up for school, college, university or work is an impossible task in itself. Some people manage to do it while others struggle with it everyday. This post is for those who struggle waking up in the morning. Below are a few tips that will help you wake up earlier and fresher in the morning:

1. Eat 2-3 hours before going to sleep

Going to sleep right after having dinner is a definite NO. Your body needs time to digest what you’ve eaten. So eating a few hours before bed is enough time for you body to digest your food. Check out the list of foods that make you sleepy here.


2. Don’t press the snooze button!

Pressing the snooze button does more harm than good. You just fall back asleep for seven minutes and then have to wake up again. Cutting out the snooze button will give you more time to get ready. You may think it sucks, but you will feel great with the extra time on your hands. I promise!


3. Wake up to warmer room

Turning off the AC in the middle of the night or setting a timer to make sure it switches off before you wake up will make it easier for you to wake up. Waking up in a warmer room will help you get up easily. If your room is cold, you won’t want to get out f the cozy warmth of your blanket. TURN THAT FAN/AC OFF!


4. Keep the curtains open

Once sunlight enters your room, your eyes will immediately react making you wake up. There’s no light like sunlight to wake you up. Light stimulates the brain to wake up.


5. Drink water as soon as you wake up!

Drinking water as soon as you wake up kick starts your digestive system and immediately wakes you up too! It will re-hydrate your body and energise you for the day ahead.


6. Have something to look forward to

It could be the new shoes you’re going to wear, or coco pops <3 . Just have one thing to look forward to when you wake up and you’re sorted. For me, it’s donuts. Mmmm… donuts.


7. Stretch!

You haven’t been moving all night (in certain cases of course), so your body is stiff. Stretching it will send blood to your muscles. Stretching upon waking up will get your body ready for the rest of the day. If you want to take it to the next level, exercise early in the morning!


8. Tell yourself it’s going to be a great day

You shape your own world. If you’re going to say the day is going to go great, it will and you will notice all the great things in life. If you say it’s going to be bad, it will be bad. Waking up and saying it’s going to be a great day may sound lame but it will make the day better. Try it.


9. Take a cold shower

Don’t think, just do it! A cold shower won’t only wake you up and make you fresh it will also lower your blood pressure and make you more alert.


10. Get a good night’s sleep!

This goes without saying: you need at least 7-8 hours of sleep. Anything more or less and you will be drowsy and cranky the entire day. Make sure you’re getting all the rest you need.



It sucks, but we’ve got to do what we’ve got to do. So try some of these tips out and I guarantee once you start, you will be in love with morning time!