Getting sick in winter really sucks, there’s nothing worse than having a common cold. Getting the common cold will be pretty common because of the cold weather, if you’re someone who gets sick easily this post is for you.
Here are somethings you must do to avoid getting sick this winter:
1. Wash your hands often
Washing your hands often will ensure that you won’t get sick as you’ll be killing the germs on your hands.
2. Drink something hot
Drinking a hot beverage will make your body warmer which will in turn make you feel better.
3. Drink more (Water that is)
Drinking 8 - 10 glasses a day. We all tend to not drink much water in winter but drinking an adequate amount of water will keep you healthy
4. Oranges
They’re in season and they’re full of vitamin C, Vitamin C which fights diseases and things such as the common cold.
5. Get as much sun as you can
Keep your body warm this winter by staying in the sun more often. Along with vitamin C our body needs Vitamin D which it can receive from the sun. So go get a tan!
6. Exercise
There really isn’t any need to explain this but a healthy body doesn’t get sick often. Also sweating helps eliminate toxins from your body.
7. Yogurt
Yogurt contains probiotics which are actually bacteria which are good for your health.
8. Ginger
Ginger can help you breathe easily and battles a virus which causes bronchiolitis or pneumonia.
9. Eat certain foods
Eating healthy foods like vegetables and fruits which are packed full of vitamins are things you need to be eating more than fast foods. Foods such as beef, soup and fish!
10. Get enough sleep
People who don;t get enough sleep are more likely to catch a cold than those who do. So make sure you’re catching up on them Z’s.