Talking to people can be difficult. Talking to strangers especially is an art. But don’t worry there are some steps you can take to make it easier for anyone. Here are some ways to start a conversation with anyone:
1. Don’t talk about the weather
Unless there is an insane heat wave or a storm’s coming the weather is definitely a no-go topic.

2. Ask for information
Everyone loves to be helpful, it feels good. Asking someone a question you already know the answer to is a great way to start a dialogue.

3. Ask for their opinion
It could be about a movie, a song, a restaurant or even about a speech by a political party. People like knowing others are interested in what they have to say.

4. Comment on something they have
Their briefcase, tie, shirt or any article of clothing comment on how nice it is and where they got it from. It starts the conversation on a positive note.

5. Listen
Don’t listen just to reply but actually, listen to what the other person is saying. They’ll give you a lot of things to ask follow-up questions about.
6. Find common grounds
When listening try and find common grounds to continue your conversation about. Mentioning the common ground you both have will make you memorable.

7. Ask them about their background
Ask about where they went to school or worked at find some similarities or common friends or acquaintances you both might have.

8. Ask open-ended questions
Don’t ask yes or no questions ask questions have follow-up questions to keep the conversation flowing. Even if it’s a “why?”. But don’t keep asking why because it gets annoying and makes you seem like a 3-year-old.

9. Ask hypothetical conversation
For example “If you could have dinner with three famous people living or dead who would they be and why?”

10. Ask about their hobbies/pets/kids
People love to talk about things they lover or are passionate about.