Being stressed sucks, you could be stressed about your exams, interview, presentation even talking to that girl you like could be stressful and making you anxious. If you are feeling like that here’s what you should do to stop being stressed:
1. Talk to yourself
No, not like a crazy person, use your inside voice. When you speak to yourself use “you” or your own name as studies found people who did this were more successful in public speaking.
2. Breathe
Take deep breaths, it’ll help activate the bodys relaxation response and not fight or flight.
3. Workout
Excercise releases endorphins boosts your immune system and helps you calm down.
4. Trivialize tasks
Try to see your work as a game, if anything goes wrong you can play again.
5. Tell your self you are excited
People who found their anxiety as excitement will make you more calmer and actually excited as the feelings are the same.
6. Drink coffee
Coffee can help people deal with stressful situation.
7. Help others
When people helped others in anyway even if it was just holding a door open the feelings of negative emotions reduced.
8. Slowly expose yourself to things you’re afraid of
Exposure therapy involves gradually doing something you find uncomfortable and becoming comfortable at it. It could be from petting a dog to speaking in public.
9. Be positive
make a list of all the things bothering you and then look at all the things going well. It will help prevent you from just being negative.
10. Embrace stress
Psychologist say stress is useful and make you feel fullfilled and your life is meaningful. Also thinking about the positive aspects of stress can improve your physiological response to a challenging situation.