These Mind Bending X-Rays Will Change The Way You Look At Your Body!
By Lee Naa

Huge Turvey is a British photographer who is popular for his innovative experiments with x-ray technology. His works include fusion of art and science, graphic design and pure photography. Turvey named his x-ray/shadow photography ‘Xograms’.

He studied photography in Lancashire and his passion towards x-ray photography started building up when his designer friend asked him to click a broken bone image for an album cover. Right after that he headed to a nearby hospital to meet the head of radiography. Turvey started working with x-rays in the late 1990’s.

In 2009, the British Institute of Radiology appointed Huge as a permanent artist. The Royal Photographic Society awarded him for his outstanding imaging innovation and its role in science and understanding in 2014.

Here is a collection of Turvey’s amazing photographs that reveals the life inside us.

1. A French kiss

2. Do you see the breast cancer tumor?

3. Your wrists are very fragile inside.

4. Turvey photographed his wife’s feet in high-heeled shoes.

5. A family poses in Paris.

6. This is how we shake hands.

7. When you pick your nose, you look like this.

8. X-ray of a mouth cancer.

9. When your back hurts, the pain radiates like this.

10. A guy offers a flower to his beloved.

11. A lady caught on Turvey’s camera.

12. Where does the water go?

13. Holding gadgets.

14. Football or human skull?

15. Bonus: X-ray of a goldfish in a bowl.

The original version of this post can be found here.