11 Animals Who Forgot Their True Identity, And It’s Absolutely Hilarious
Published: Jul 30, 2024
The internet is full of silly pictures of animals doing things that you expect them to do: cats in boxes, dogs playing fetch, and turtles just turtlin’. Every now and again, though, there are animals who decide they would rather assume a new identity and act like a totally different species.
Here are 11 animals who are trying on a new persona, with some hilarious results:
1. Dog, you are not a person! Get back on all fours!
2. Tortoise, you are not a puppy! That is too adorable!
3. Fawn, you’re not a dog! That’s hilarious!
4. Hey fox, you are a fox! You are not a dog!
5. Cat, get out of that vase! You are not flowers!
6. Doggie, you are not a cow! Quit being so funny!
7. Dog, you are not a mommy duck! You can’t even quack!
8. Silly dog, you aren’t a bird! You don’t even have wings!
9. Cat! You are not a turtle! Where is your shell?!
10. Puppy, you so crazy. You are not that lamb’s dad!
11. Dog, you are not a cat! Quit looking so adorable in that box!
The original version of this post can be found here.
Muhammad Bilal said | Where do you get such cool ideas? All of the blogs on WebChutney are so awesome. And this one, Sidra, is so cute. Especially, best for animal-lovers. |
Where do you get such cool ideas? All of the blogs on WebChutney are so awesome. And this one, Sidra, is so cute. Especially, best for animal-lovers.