11 Countries That You Can Explore In Just 1 Day
Published: May 12, 2024

There are countries in this world that are smaller than your city. These countries are even smaller than Hyderabad, Pakistan. Here’s the list of beautiful countries that are small enough to explore in just one day.

1. Vatican City - Area: 0.44 sq km

Source: realrometours.com

2. Monaco - Area: 2 sq km

Source: globalchampionstour.com

3. Gibraltar - Area: 6.8 sq km

Source: eliotthotel.com

4. Macau - Area 30 sq km

Source: cnbc.com

5. San Marino - Area: 61 sq km

Source: owegoo.com

6. Liechtenstein - Area: 160 sq km

Source: liechtenstein.li

7. St Kitts and Nevis - Area: 261 sq km

Source: glasgow2014.com

8. Malta - Area: 316 sq km

Source: thegreatdominion.com

9. Grenada - Area: 344 sq km

Source: travelwith2ofus

10. Andorra - Area: 468 sq km

Source: onahotels.com

11. Isle of Man - Area: 572 sq km

Source: The Guardian