11 Embarrassing Things Desi Parents Say In front Of Our Friends
Published: Apr 20, 2024

Whether you agree or disagree, we all know that consciously or unconsciously our parents have embarrassed us in front of our friends. They do not do it on purpose, but sometime they ask highly embarrassing questions. Here are 11 embarrassing things our desi parents say in front of children.

1. Beta, is she the one you talk with late night?

Source: Tumblr

2. Beta, is he your boyfriend?

Source: Tumblr

3. Ary beta come here, let me show you his/her childhood pictures

Source: Tumblr

4. Beta I am worried he/she is getting old, can you please convince h/s to get married?


5. Beta you don’t know how to cook? What will you do after marriage?

Source: Tumblr

6. Beta you don’t have a job? How long will you depend on your parents?

Source: Tumblr

7. Beta you are not looking fine, do you guys smoke? Or take any drugs?

Source: bollypop

8. Beta why do you wear these types of clothes? Don’t your parents say anything?

Source: Tumblr

9. Beta do you use these slang words in front of your parents too?

Source: Tumblr

10. Beta which cast do you belong to?

Source: Tumblr

11. Beta are you guys dating?

Source: namakkesaath