Want to be a productive person and not a slob? Adopt one of these habits to be more productive than you are right now:
1. Listen to podcasts
Podcasts are the new way of learning about things. A general podcasts has two or more people speaking about a specific topic or general news. It can range from politics, religion even comic books.
2. Be on time
The latest you can be is on time. It’s better to be early than late, being accountable and making sure to reach everywhere on time is not only a good habit but speaks about your character.
3. Read
Reading articles on line or offline it doesn’t matter as long as you are reading and learning new information you’re doing good.
4. Be selfish
No this doesn’t mean that you stop sharing your things but be selfish in the sense that you think about your self more than others. Though its good to think about other but make sure you come first.
5. Learn a new skill
Now with the world at your finger tips through the internet, you can learn a new skill online. Be it a new language or even how to play the guitar it’s always beneficial to learn something new. It keeps the mind sharp.
6. Be up to date with the news
It’s good to know whats going on around the world and keeping up to date with the daily happenings.
7. Keep schedules
Update dates on your calendar be it for birthdays, important work meetings or even when you have to catch up with friends its good to keep things written down.
8. Make lists
Make a list of important tasks you have to do this day/week/month. It’ll help you be more organized and figure out what needs to be done and when.
9. Prioritize
After making the list you can prioritize what is important and needs immediate attention and what doesn’t.
10. Be physically active
be it going to the gym, jogging or even doing yoga. Being physically fit has a lot of mental benefits that come along with the physical ones.
11. Limit your time on social media
Social media does have it’s benefits but staying on social media for more than half an hour is a waste of time. Limit your time on social media so you can focus on other things in life, like your family.