11 Proud Reactions On Pakistan’s Glorious Victory at Lords
Published: Jul 18, 2024

Pakistan wins against England at Lords after 20 years. Everyone expressed their love for the boys throughout the test matches, and appreciated them even more heartily after the glorious win.

Here are 11 proud reactions on Pakistan’s victory at Lords.

Imran Khan praised the team

Shahid Afridi supports the boys

Hamza Ali Abbasi is a proud Pakistani

Ramiz Raja loved the boot camp drill

This is the boot camp drill Ramiz Raja was talking about:



Ahmad Shahzad also joined in to support the team

This Kid Was So Proud That Even Hafeez Could’nt Stop Appreciating His Passion!


Yasir Shah was brilliant

Amir gave us new memories to cherish.

Source: Cric Pak Facebook Page

Misbah’s Dedication to Edhi Sahb won our hearts

Champions who!

Source: MoiNazim Graphics Facebook Page


Thank you team Pakistan!

Souce: Just Pakistan Things Facebook Page