Most men will never admit it, but they are concerned about their looks a lot more than women are. Yes, those guys whose beards are trimmed to perfection, those who have more gel in their hair than there is gel in the world are very self conscious. What those guys won’t tell you is how much they hate going to the barber’s in Pakistan. Here’s why Pakistani boys hate going to the barber’s:
1. You call the guy, make an appointment but when you get there he’s already with someone and say’s he’ll be free in half an hour…
2. When you become a regular with one guy, but want to try someone else out in the same shop, he looks at you as if you burnt his house!
3. They’ll force you to try the ‘latest’ celebrity hairstyles even if they doesn’t suit you!
4. They will touch your face awkwardly when you’re telling them what you want.
5. They keep telling you that you need a facial to get rid of your ‘blackheads’ and you are like,
6. They try to make small talk and it’s AWKWARRRD!
7. They tell you their dukh barri daastaan because they want you to tip them and you’re like,
8. They sneeze in their hands whilst cutting your hair and then don’t even wash their hands!
9. They’ll make your hair perfect initially but will get lost in the small talk and cut it too short or mess it up - always.
10. He attends a full ten minute call during your hair cut…
11. Even if you hate your hair cut afterwards you still thank the guy and tell him you like it.