You’re single and you don’t know why, your friends try to set you up but to no avail. Here are some reasons why you’re single:
1.You’re terrified of rejection
Rejection is a scary thing, no one wants to be rejected and neither do you.
2. You secretly like being single
Being single is actually awesome, staying up doing what YOU want whenever YOU want, not being tied down to anyone. You like the freedom

3. You don’t know how to go about a relationship
Say you ask someone out and they say yes, you have no idea what to do afterwards…” Should I buy her dinner a necklace?”
4. You don’t want the burden of having a significant other
Having a significant other means you have to introduce that person to your lifestyle and the people you know, and you’re just not ready for that.
5. You feel like you’re too busy to give anyone time
Work/Gym/Friends these are the only things you have time for, a significant other does not fit.
6. You don’t believe in love
Your heart has been broken, or you’ve never seen a relationship work in your family so you assume there is no such thing as love
7. You’re afraid of opening up
Being open and vulnerable is a scary thing. If you open up to someone they can hurt you and you’re afraid of that.
8. You don’t want to change for anyone
You’re set in your ways and if someone tries to change that.. well they aren’t welcome in your life
9. You’re afraid it won’t work
You’ve made it up in your mind that you’re undatable and you won’t get into any relationship that’ll work.

10. You feel like no one is good enough
You’ve been on too many awkward dates and you’ve decided that there is no one on the planet good enough for you

11. You have un realistic expectations
You’re not going to meet the love of your life on your first date. Give it some time.