Women go through a lot of trouble to look good and different for men or their significant other. But the thing is that some of the things they do to look different are never seen by men and honestly sometimes men don’t even care.
Here are somethings women do that men never notice or even care about:
1. When you get a manicure and pedicure
We’re not going to notice your nail colour either.
2. When they get their hair trimed
Your hair super long already cutting it by an inch and a half is really not going to be noticeable. We will how ever notice if you go bald though
3. New purse
Do you really expect us to notice that? Or what brand it is? WTF is a Fendi?
4. Shoes
Trust us we never look at your shoes, we get distracted by your pretty face
5. Dark circles
IF you’re freaking out about your dark circles you’re the only one who is
6. New eye shadow or blush you’re wearing
We honestly can’t tell sometimes if you’re wearing make up or not
7. How hairy your arms and legs are
As long as they don’t resemble a gorillas we’re fine
8. stretch marks
Everyone has them
9. Repeating the same clothes
It’s okay we can’t wear new clothes everyday
10. How much you eat
It’s okay if you eat a lot no one cares
11. When they’re flirting
Is she trying to tell me she likes me? I don’t get it.