11 Things People On A Diet Are Tired Of Hearing!
Published: Jan 13, 2025

Going on a diet is not easy but going on a diet while surrounded by douche bags is the most difficult thing to do! People start saying annoying things to you once they get to know you are on a diet. Here’s what people on a diet are tired of hearing:

1. “Are you seriously on a diet?”


2. “Are you still dieting?”

Source: Giphy

3. “How can you do this to yourself?”

Source: Giphy

4. “How are you even alive?”


5. “Have you lost any weight yet?”

Source: Tumblr

6. “Can you eat (insert food name)?”

Source: Tumblr

7. “You shouldn’t be eating that!”

Source: Tumblr

8. “You should try (insert diet name)”

Source: Teen

9. “You should try some yoga”

Source: Giphy

10. “You should join gym.”

Source: Tumblr

11. “Dieting doesn’t work!”

Source: Tumblr