11 Things That Differentiate Between Boys and Men

If you can’t separate boys from men, we’ve made it simple for you. Boys will be boys and sometimes boys claim to be grown up men which they are not.
These 11 things nail the difference between boys and men:
1. A man knows a good woman when he meets her and makes an attempt to get to know her, so will a boy but will give up on you easy
2. A boy will fight over petty things, mostly useless. A man won’t fight with you in the first place if he does he knows how to fight fairly
3. A boy will always be whiny and complaining.
4. Boys run away from the idea of commitment. A man is pretty fine with a commitment
5. A boy won’t really value time as much as a man would
6. Boys are generally confused while men no what they want, if they don’t they are still boys. Age does not count here!
7. A boy will mostly compliment you for your outer beauty a man looks for compassion
8. A man defends you when a boy can just look for an escape from the entire situation