11 Things That Happen When Your Elder Sibling Is An Over Achiever -_-
Published: Dec 4, 2024
We all love our older siblings, or claim to at least. But you know what really makes an older sibling unlikable is if they are an over achiever.
Here are somethings which make having an over achieving elder sibling suck:
1. People never know your name, they know you as so and so’s younger brother/sister
2. Your parents always compare you to him/her
3. They want you to follow in their footsteps
“Your brother did medicine you should also do medicine”
4. If you do anything like him/her, everyone thinks you’re copying them
5. IF you do ANYTHING wrong, they will say your sibling never did that!
Only because they didn’t get caught JEEZ!
6. Your friends thought s/he was cooler than you
7. You are estatic because you got a B or a C but your over-achiever will cry over an A- because they didn’t get an A+!
Your sibling
8. Things you excel in are never noticed because you aren’t as good at them as your sibling is
9. You are secretly over the moon if/when s/he gets a bad grade or does something wrong
10. If something goes wrong you’re usually blamed because your older sibling can do no wrong *Rolls eyes*
But it really wasn’t me, mom. I promise!