11 Things That Happen When Your Friend Is In Love With A Douchebag

Love is blind and we do many things that can be considered ‘stupid’ when we are falling in love. And if you fall for the wrong person… you’re doomed. Sometimes, it is your friend who is stupidly in love and falls for the wrong person; it makes you want to pull your eyes out. Here are 10 things that happen when your friend is in love with a douchebag:
1. Your friend cries too much all the time
2. She starts changing… for the worse
3. They become askholes.
She will come to you for advice but will do the exact opposite of it!
4. But you don’t give up knocking sense into her even if that turns in to a fight.
5. He hates you because you keep telling her to be careful, but you really don’t care.
6. They keep breaking up and making up so much that you’ve lost count of it now.
7. And every time they patch-up she will give you the same excuse she’s been giving herself, “He’s a changed man.”
And you are sitting here like: