11 Things You Will Relate To If You Are In A Second-hand Relationship
Published: Nov 10, 2024

What happens when your best friend gets in a relationship? You are a bundle of mixed emotions. You are happy, excited, and maybe a little upset that you have to share your best friend but you are happy for them! When the relationship starts you sometimes feel like you’re in a second-hand relationship because you know everything about their relationship and feel like you’re part of it, even though you are single.

Here are 11 things you will relate to if you are in a second-hand relationship.

1. You know about all the stories that have taken place and you’ve lived through all the emotions with your friend.

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2. You have helped your friend construct the perfect text messages.

3. You best friend has filled you in her SO’s details and you know them on first name basis without even having met them.


4. And when you actually meet your friend’s SO, you don’t know how to introduce yourself.

5. You have been a shadow during their fights

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6. You have stayed up at nights just so you can provide moral support for your friend.


7. You have been the style guru for all of your friend’s outings.

8. You remember all their anniversary dates and you keep sending reminders too

9. You have become immune to PDA…but you still hate it.


10. You crack dirty jokes when your friend (if she’s girl) misses a period.

Source: Tumblr

11. And finally, you knock sense into them when they aren’t thinking straight.


Do you have such friends or are you that very friend? Let us know in the comments below.