Mothers are superheroes sent by God. She would do anything in her power just to put a smile on your face. Your mom is the only person in this world who never complains about anything, who loves you unconditionally even when you are a jerk, and the one who is selfless. Your mom might discuss everything with you but there are a few things that she never told you.
1. She is afraid to lose you.
From the time she first knew you were coming in this world to the time when you are 50 and have high blood pressure, she is always worried. You often tell her, “It’s just a small cut. Relax, Ma!” but her heart sinks to see you in pain even if it’s just a small cut. She worries because she is afraid to lose you but she will never tell you that.
2. She is tired.
When she held you in her womb for 9 months, when she fed you, when she woke up in the middle of the night to check on you or change your diaper, when she woke up early to make you lunch for school, when she has to do all the house hold chores, when she cleans your mess – She is tired but she doesn’t complain and she will never tell you that.
3. You made her cry.
You made her cry when you came in to this world, she cried when she first held you, she cried when you cried, she cried when you were sick, she cried when you lost, she cried when she was proud of you, she cried when you came home late, she cried when you didn’t call her for days. She cried a lot … for you, because of you but she will never tell you that.
4. You are the reason she doesn’t take care of herself.
She never gets enough sleep, because she wouldn’t sleep unless you slept and she will wake up before you. Her hands are dry because she keeps working in the house. She doesn’t take care of herself because she is busy taking care of you but she will never tell you that.
5. You are not perfect.
Every mother knows that her child is not perfect but she won’t hear a word against them not even from their father. She knows what your shortcomings are, but she will never make you feel anything less than perfect. She knows you are not perfect but she will never tell you that.
6. She wanted that last piece of food.
She didn’t only make sure that you eat your food properly; she made you eat from her plate. She makes sure you have the best piece of meat. And because you love pizza so much, she will even give you her slice and say, “I am not hungry.” What she didn’t tell you is that she likes pizza too, that she wanted that last bite too.
7. Her heart doesn’t rest until she sees you or hears from you.
Remember that time when you forgot to text her that you have safely reached your destination? Well, she was restless the whole time. You might hate the fact that she calls you a dozen times when you are just a few minutes late, but she is worried for you. She can’t sleep or eat or do anything until she knows that you are fine but she will never tell you that.
8. She gave up everything for you.
She gave up her perfectly toned stomach to keep you in her womb. She gave up her soft smooth hands because she was busy doing dishes and washing clothes after you. She gave up her dreams, so you can fulfill yours. She gave up her goals, so you can pursue yours. She gave it all up for you but she will never tell you that.
9. She made greater sacrifices than you could ever know.
Her entire life is all about you and she wouldn’t change a thing about that. She sacrificed the most precious years of her life for you and she will continue to do that even when you are old but she will never tell you that.
10. Letting you go is terrible.
She might be the happiest person when you get an admission in your dream college abroad or your dream job abroad but letting you go is terrible because she can’t live without you but she will never tell you that.
11. All she wants from you is love and respect.
Yes, she is selfless. Yes, her love is unconditional. If there is anything that she wants from you is love and respect but she will never tell you that.