We live in a society where gender stereotypes run in our blood. Over time we have become so used to this absurd categorisation that no one dares question them.
If you come to think of it, going against the tide isn’t as painstaking as it sounds.
Here are 11 simple ways Pakistani women can smash gender stereotypes to pieces:
1. Follow your heart when it comes to career choices.
Yes you can be an amazing engineer or a brilliant sportswoman.
2. Cut your hair short, dress up the way you like.
If someone’s love is based on the length of your hair, then you don’t need him in your life.
3. What’s wrong with marrying a younger guy?
“Girls should marry older guys.” We have heard this like a million times, but you know what? Younger guys can be mature too. They can be supportive and loving and caring and everything you need in a life partner. The package is not age-specific. Choose WISELY!
4. Juggle your personal and professional lives like a pro.
Your career should not affect your personal/family life and you should not use your family as an excuse for not chasing your dreams.
5. Excel in the art of driving.
Men think women can’t drive. Show them that you can do it.
6. Tell your parents you don’t want a designer lehnga for your wedding.
Yes, marriage is a very special occasion but that doesn’t mean you spend all your savings on the shenanigans.
7. Become best friends with a guy and DO NOT fall in love with him!
A girl and boy can be best friends. Period. You don’t always have to fall in love!
8. Be economically independent and spend your money wisely!
Why should we depend on men for sustenance when we can contribute ourselves?
9. Learn to fight your battles on your own.
Your fathers, your brothers, your husbands and your sons are not your bodyguards.
10. Embrace the fat because fat is also beautiful.
We all know the ideals of beauty set by the society. You should not hate yourself because people hate fat. Embrace the fat!
11. Aim high and work towards your goals.
You are strong and you can face the world on your own. You aren’t a princess who needs someone to look after her.
It’s time we show the world that women are no less than men!
JKS said | An article written by some yahoodi agent. |
Lol said | Astagfirullah!! Yahoodi funding aa rahi hai is website ko. Tauba Tauba. |
An article written by some yahoodi agent.
Astagfirullah!! Yahoodi funding aa rahi hai is website ko. Tauba Tauba.