Giving presentations can be a scary thing, you’re nervous and scared about messing up, losing marks and ever making a fool of yourself. Here are some ways to over come that fear:
1. Know what you’re talking about
Research about the topic you’re presenting. Know enough that if someone asks you a question you can give an answer without thinking about it.
2. Stop negative self talk
Don’t think about “Oh my god, if I mess up everyone will make fun of me” but instead think like “What if I’m really good at this?”
3. Visualize
Visualize yourself on stage speaking well, presenting like no one’s ever presented before. If you see yourself succeeding you will.
4. Watch yourself in a mirror
Take visualisation to the next level and actually see how you look like when you speak. Notice your bad habits, look at how you move your hands, your facial expressions.
5. Record yourself
Listen to how you sound. Do you speak to fast? Or to slow? Are you mumbling?
6. Memorise
It’s impossible to remember everything but remember a few key points and expand on them.

7. Breathe
Inhale and exhale. Take three deep inhales and short exhales. This will bring your heart rate down and calm you.
8. Come early
Wherever the presentation is come earlier, you can visualise yourself giving the presentation
9. Double check everything
Don’t be lazy, make sure you have all your slides in the right order and all the important notes you need for that day
10. Don’t think too much
Relax its just a presentation, its not the end of the world. No ones life hangs in the balance.
11. Practice
In front of people, you need other people’s opinion and you need them to tell you what you’re doing right or wrong. The more constructive criticism you get the better you’ll be.