If you’re reading this then… ahem.. you’re probably dying to get rid of it as quickly as possible. It’s okay it happens to the best of us. In moments of passion we forget the consequences of our actions. For those of you who don’t know, a hickey/ love bite is the result of kissing or sucking the skin of another causing broken capillaries and pooling blood which turns the skin red or purple. It looks Something like this
If you one to get rid of these ASAP heres how:
1. Ice pack
the blood clot needs to be broken and the blood needs to be disperesed putting an ice pack on the love bite can get the blood to flow in a different area
2. Apply alcohol
No, not the kind you drink but the disinfectant type of alcohol. It will soothe and cool the area getting rid of the hickey fast.
3. Peppermint
Peppermint has healing and cooling properties applying it on the love bite will help cool it and help it heal faster.
4. Aloe vera
Aloe vera has anti-inflammatory properties and can heal the wound over 2 - 3 days.
5. Use a tooth brush
No don’t brush your teeth, rubbing the area will cause blood flow to increase around it causing the discolouration to lighten and go away.
6. Putting a banana peel on
Putting a banana peel on the wound will make it dissapear in. A banana peel has cooling properties you just need to put the peel on the wound 2 - 3 times a day to see a significant difference.
7. Oranges
Oranges have healing properties. Drinking orange juice can help heal the hickey. Drinking fresh orange juice will help.
8. Toothpaste
Like peppermint tooth paste has cooling properties, putting it on the wound will reduce the amount of blood in the area making the wound look lighter.
9. Massage
Massaging the affected area will make the blood disperse and take most of the colour out of the hickey. Massaging the area for 5 mins will make the wound dissapear.
10. Vitamin K
Find some cream or liquid with Vitamin K and rub it on the affected area. This is a slower method but will get rid of the hickey quickly
11. Concealer
If all else fails use a concealer or borrow one from your friend or sister.
Good luck! And next time be more careful