Dreams are a strange phenomenon. No one knows why we have them but we still do. Some dreams though have some meaning to it, they eithershow you and underlying issue or are just random. There are no universal definition of dreams there are some interpertations that might bring some meaning to them.
1. Falling
Falling in a dream means you’re having anxiety and are losing control on your life. You’re possibly having some sort of major problems in your relationship, work or elsewhere.
2. Teeth Falling out
Teeth falling out symbolizes the fear of getting older or in some cases a person has lost their confidence because of some failure
3. Being Chased
It could mean that something which you are ignoring needs attention or you are being threatened by someone
4. Dying
Dreams related to death signify a new beginning or a change in their life.
5. Animals
The presence of animals in a dream represents a dreamer’s habits.
6. Being naked
Being naked in a dream represents vulnerability and anxiety.
7. Test
If you’re taking a test in your dream it could signify that the person needs to be more aware or alert in their life and examine their own life.
8. Flying
This could mean something in your life is out of control, or you’re becoming more spiritually aware.
9. Water
This symbolises how we are controlling our emotions according to how the water is. If the water is calm it means we’ve achieved peace and waves represent an upheaval
10. Baby
If you see a baby in your dream then that means you might have a new idea, or project at work. It signifies potential for growth
11. Transport
Transport depending on the form of it, it could be a car, aeroplane even a donkey kart could signify how much control or power we have on our path to wherever we are heading
12. People
Seeing others you know in a dream shows the dreamer certain aspects of his or her own personality which need to be checked. Dreaming about specific people indicates which interpersonal issues you need to work on