12 Harry Potter Facts That Will Shock You
Published: Jun 14, 2024

Did you know these facts about everyone’s favourite book?

1. Dumbledore is an old english word for “Bumblebee”

Source: imgur.com

2. Sirius Black and Fred Weasley, two tricksters from different generations, both died laughing

Source: chillopedia.com

3. Both Rupert Grint and Daniel Radcliffe had crushes on Emma Watson in the earlier films

Source: harrypotter.wikia.com

4. The books have been translated into more than 70 languages

Source: achazcleonblog.blogspot.nl

5. J.K Rowling lost her billionare status because she donated so much of her money to charity

Source: independent.co.uk

6. Daniel Radcliffes stunt double was paralyzed from an accident in the 7th movie.

Source: moviepilot.com

7. Michael Jackson wanted to do a Harry Potter musical but J.K Rowling refused.

Source: scoopwhoop.com

8. Novelist Stephen King said that Professor Umbridge from the Harry Potter series is the “greatest make-believe villain to come along since Hannibal Lecter.”

Source: biography.com

9. Steven Spielberg declined to direct the Harry Potter movies and said “It’s just like withdrawing a billion dollars and putting it into your personal bank accounts. There’s no challenge.”

Source: people.com

10. The actress who played Moaning Myrtle was 37 years old at the time “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets” was filmed. She is the oldest actress to ever portray a Hogwarts student.

Source: en.wikipedia.org

11. The dementors are based on J.K Rowlings struggle with depression.

Source: giphy.com

12. An outbreak of lice occurred among the children cast members during the filming of “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.”

Source: theleakycauldron5.blogspot.com

Did you know any of these facts?