12 New Age Words That Will Become A Grammar Nazi’s Nightmare!
Published: Jun 9, 2024

Since the beginning of the digital age, we have adopted many new things in our lives, consciously or subconsciously. But at one point we must stop and think, how the hell did that happen? That point is now.

Here are 12 words that have been added, officially might I add, to the English language.

1. If you make that duckface one more time, I will punch you in the face.

2. I made you a cookie, but I eated it. - lolcat

3. They couldn’t play, so they sat there waiting for them to respawn.


4. *drops cookie on the floor* *picks up and eats it*

Five-second-rule, bro!”


5. “Hey did you lyk my present?” It waz xlnt!

6. Just got a new fone. It’s phone*
‘Fone’ is now part of the English language! Take that grammar Nazi.

7. Don’t be jel, k?

8. Hey how was your exam?

9. “I have a mancrush on the Rock!” Seriously dude, his biceps are crazy!”

10. By turning a small input current into a large output current, the transistor acts like an amplifier. But it also acts like a switch at the same time. When there is no current to the base, little or no current flows between the collector and the emitter. Simples.

11. See you tomoz, mate!

12. WTAF is going on here?!

Yup. That’s all folk.

RIP English - you were brave and you fought hard.