12 Of The World’s Worst Passports 2016
Pakistan passport
Published: Aug 16, 2024

Being the only Index that maintains the world’s largest database of travel information, for 11 years, Henley & Partners has published the Visa Restrictions Index, giving unprecedented and inimitable insight into the development of visa policies over time. The 2016 Visa Restrictions Index ranks nations by how freely their citizens can explore the planet.

Here is the list of 12 of the world’s worst passports of 2016 by number of countries granting visa-free access.

12. Sudan — 37

Source: america.pink

11. Palestinian Territory — 37

Source: timesofisrael.com

10. Nepal — 37

Source: kathmandupost.ekantipur.com

9. Iran — 37

Source: Wikipedia

8. Ethiopia — 37

Source: hahudaily.com

7. Eritrea — 37

Source: Pinterest

6. Libya — 36

Source: libyabusiness.tv

5. Syria — 32

Source: aljazeera.com

4. Somalia — 31

Source: somalicurrent.com

3. Iraq — 30

Source: en.azvision.az

2. Pakistan — 29


1. Afghanistan — 25

Source: vietnamvisaonline.net