12 Pictures Only People Who Wear Glasses Will Understand

Glasses give a clear vision to those who can’t see things properly. Glasses are cool accessories to have! They even make you look good, if you’ve bought a classy frame. But sometimes, they just really bug the crap out of you. Here are 12 pictures only people who wear glasses will understand.
1. How you see the world with and without glasses
2. While watching 3D movies
3. When it comes to laying down with glasses
4. When you want a clear vision and shades too
5. When it rains
6. Or when you drink a hot beverage
7. While cooking
8. When your glasses get caught in your hair
9. Kissing is a real task
10. What people say when they try your glasses
11. How your friends think you see without glasses
12. And your worst nightmare is,