12 Random Things That Best Friends Do On Social Media
Published: Sep 14, 2024

Your besties are your soul mates. They know your deepest darkest secrets. They know you better than you know yourself. And there are plenty of things, crazy things, that best friends do together. We looked up how all that craziness resonated on social media:

Here is a list of things that best friends do on social media:

1. When one of the bffs goes through a breakup, the other changes his/her relationship status to ‘in a relationship’ or ‘married’ to them.

Source: WebChutneyPK

2. BFFs can post embarrassing pictures of eachother online. But God forbid someone else does it, they will not rest until its very existence is untraceable.


3. They will stalk one another shamelessly, will comment unforgivingly, go on a ‘liking spree’ or flood their wall/timeline. It’s just a thing.


4. One of them will get into an argument with a third person, and the other will jump in to support him/her. Then they brawl with the third person until s/he gives us or blocks them.

Source: Gifsoup

5. They hate the same people and will make sure everyone on every social media forum knows it. They will bask in this without any shame at all. As long as they are doing it together.


5. On their birthdays, picture-collages, essay-long Facebook statuses and videos will pop up! Throughout the day. If people didn’t know they were best friends, they would tell them to get a room for all the PDA.

“I love you so much! You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me!” #BFF #Squad #TaylorSwiftIsSoJealousOfUsRightNow

Source: Giphy

6. They will post screenshots of their own cheesy conversations for the entire world to see. It is a norm.


7. They keep an eye on each other’s crush/boyfriend/girlfriend. This means they will have stalked the very existence of this person on the internet and will keep the other BFF undated at all times.


8. They will tag each other relentlessly. In everything. Funny quotes, deep quotes, videos, jokes, statuses, job interviews, Mars discovery - EVERYTHING. Followed by,

“OMG, look at this! This is us!” “You do this ALLLL the time!”


9. Group conversations are active at ALL times. Even at 3 am. And when they are together, they will dominate every conversation that takes place.


10. They are so familiar with each others social media language that they know what the other is thinking or what mood s/he’s in just by looking at a text! And then refer to point 6.


11. They will send each other the ugliest snaps on SnapChat. And will find each one funnier than the last.


12. You will see them checking-in on social media. This is considered a compulsory exercise. And they are almost always together. And they keep moving. That’s a lot of check-ins.


What do you and your best friends do online? Let us know in the comments below.