Running is the oldest form of exercise known to man, as children the first form of physical competition we compete in is running. Here are some reasons why running is the only exercise you need to do:
1. It’s the cheapest form of exercise
All you need are running shoes.
2. It will make you live longer
A research of over 1000 adults found that runners lived longer than non runners.
3. Running can get you high
Yup! There is something known as a runners high, when we keep running our brain pumps out enough endorphins and molecules to keep a runner happy.
4. Running makes you eat less
Running increase the hormone peptide YY and runners have low levels of the hormone ghrelin which stimulates the appetite.
5. Running burns a lot of calories
Running burns approximately 800 calories an hour compared to 300 calories by walking.
6. You can run anywhere and at any time
You always have time to run. Be it 2 pm or 2 am you can go running whenever you want.
7. Improves your joints
Running improves your bones density, musculoskeletal system and improves joint stability
8. Running helps you sleep better
Exercise increases your body temperature and after exercise your body temperature drops and promotes falling asleep
9. Improves your skin
Running makes you sweat and boosts natural oils in your body.
10. Running improves your memory
It also reduces symptoms of dementia and protects you from Alzheimers
11. Running improves your immune system
Running increases your capacity to fight off germs
12. Running is an excuse to eat carbs
Runners need fuel the best fuel a runner could get is carbs. Go eat some!