Work can be tough sometimes. Going through the same routine every day, things can become drudgery. One of the things that make your job interesting is the environment. You spend half your day at work and you need someone to pass that time with.
Here are 12 reasons why everyone should have a work bestie:
1. You need someone to cover for you when you are running late.
“Aaj boss ka mood acha nahi hai, but tum pohancho main sambhal longa.”
2. It’s easier to whine and vent about work and people at work.
3. You obviously need someone to gossip with.
4. Lunch breaks, coffee breaks and all other breaks are something that you’ll look forward to.
5. You wouldn’t have to go through boring meetings all by yourself.
6. You can share workload easily according to your strengths and weaknesses.

7. You can always rely on them to give you an honest opinion on your work which will help you in the long run.
They will seriously help you improve your skills and you will learn a lot from them.