12 Reasons Why You SHOULD Marry A Working Woman
Published: Nov 21, 2024
Some people believe you should not marry working women because we often associate women with roles of a wife, daughter, sister or mother. But we forget that they have their own goals and ambitions too. Women have proven themselves equal to men in every field of life. So, if you have working women in your life then, consider yourself lucky.
Here are 12 reasons why you should marry working women:
1. She is motivated and self-confident
2. She knows how difficult it is to make money, so you won’t be the one who manages all the finances
3. She knows how to balance her work life and personal life
4. She is brutally honest, even if the truth hurts, because she is practical and doesn’t want you to live in the world of lies
5. She is spontaneous and romantic… and doesn’t need a romantic trip abroad to know that you care
6. She will never restrict your freedom because she values her own freedom
7. She doesn’t take things for granted and always finishes what she started
8. She is strong enough to handle any situation - cheetiiiiii!
9. Your kids will grow up strong, confident, independent and self-sufficient
10. It is a pleasure talking to her about your professional fears and ambitions because she gets it and gives you the right kind of advice too
11. You are never scared of being in debt because both of you have your lives and savings (and vacations) sorted together!