Working 8 hours a day, 5 days a week at any place can get pretty annoying, but some people make your work place less annoying - your coworkers. I know you hate most of them but some just become your closest friends.
Here’s why your co-workers become your closest friends:
1. You spend more than 40 hours a week together
You’re spending more time with your co workers than your family.

2. You’ll eventually bond with after spending much time together
Don’t fight it!
3. They’ve seen you at your best and worst
4. You know each other’s routine
‘It’s 12 if you’re going down to make tea make me a cup too please! ‘
5. They know what you love and hate to eat
6. You ALWAYS have lunch together
7. You both know the drama that takes place at work and you can’t discuss it with anyone else
When you hear the bosses arguing-
8. You both know what you do at work
You never have to explain to each other what you guys do.
9. They make work hours fly by
10. You know each other’s financial issues/status
11. You share your dreams and goals
12. You help each other grow and learn
Even if it’s stopping them from doing a bad habit