12 Reasons You HATED History Classes In School!
Published: Aug 25, 2024

Remember those boring, stretched out History and Geography classes in school? Remember dozing off during almost every lecture? And then you had to figure out where freaking Timbuktu was on the world map! Ahhhh. This is how I felt.

Source: Giphy

Here are 12 reasons you hated Pakistan Studies classes at school:

1. Dates were an absolute nightmare for you

Why do we have to remember all those dates and years, and the number of people died and lived and where they put their socks for cryin’ out loud! WHY ARE THERE SO MANY NUMBERS?

Source: tumblr

2. You were often confused between A.D. and B.C.

Because I mean… WE WEREN’T EVEN THERE!!

Source: tumblr

3. Keeping a track of who-came-when was absolutely impossible

Was Jahangir Akbar’s dad or his son?

Source: Giphy

4. Some names in History were always just too difficult to pronounce or spell

All those British viceroys with weird names!

Source: tumblr

5. You were least interested in the battles and wars that were fought before you were even born.

Source: Giphy

6. Listening to the Indo-Pak partition rants forever and ever and ever!

Same old story that we read from class 6 on wards.

Source: Gifsmile

7. India was always the villain of every story!

Can they teach us love? Can we be friends with India and not hate them for something that happened 68 years ago?

Source: Buzzfeed India

8. The only country you could locate on the World map was PAKISTAN! Oh wait, and India of course!

The rest was just… water and land for you!

Source: tumblr

9. You hated when you had to locate cities and rivers and God-knows-what on the map of Pakistan.

I could only locate Karachi!

Source: Tumblr

10. Field trips to museums were the most boring trips of your life

“Don’t touch anything!” “Don’t eat in the museum” “Don’t talk” “Dont!” “Dont!” “Dont!”

Source: tumblr

11. You had no idea who did what to whom, so you made your own stories in the exams

Source: Tumblr

12. You always expected an F on your History test

Scoring a D was like scoring an A!


We have all been there and have always thought it was our teacher’s fault that we hated the subject but trust me guys it is the subject itself!

Share your Pakistan Studies class experiences in the comments below!