12 Struggles Of People Who Don’t Drink Tea
Published: Dec 12, 2024

It’s true that tea is the most loved drink around the world. But there is also a silent minority of people who don’t drink tea. Here are 12 struggles of people who don’t drink tea;

1. In any party, you will feel like an outcast…

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2. And when you tell someone you don’t drink tea, they are like


3. But still (by default) all your close friends and relatives ask you ‘Chai piyogy?”

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4. Making a cup of tea is a nightmare for you, because you have no idea what goes where and how much you need to add of every ingredient

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5. You don’t understand why people drink SO much tea? It’s just a cup of hot water and milk… god!

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6. The worst thing for you is when someone hands you a fresh cup of tea and you don’t know what to do with it

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7. People will often ask you if you save a lot of money every month considering you don’t drink chai… and you’re like,

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8. You hate it when people gift you tea mugs, because they are just useless to you

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9. And you have no idea why people are so picky about the tea brands and flavours they drink - all of them taste the same anyway!

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10. When you are on a date, it’s really really hard for you to enjoy a cup of tea

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11. If you ever show the desire to have a cup of tea, people ask you if you are feeling okay or not

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12. But you are happy that you don’t have to pee after every 10 minutes like the average tea-drinker

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I don’t drink tea and it’s OKAY! Breathe guys, I just don’t like it…