12 Struggles Only Impatient People Will Understand
Published: Nov 23, 2024

Life is difficult for those who are impatient. If you are impatient, here are some struggles you face in your life:

1. You hate waiting - SIMPLE!

Source: Giphy

2. Waiting for your turn at the doctor’s office makes you sick

Source: Giphy

3. A part of you dies when you have to stand in a long queue

Source: Giphy

4. When 2-minute noddles won’t cook in 2-minutes!


5. You are always fidgeting with something


6. Slow internet is your worst enemy and you just can’t keep calm while your PC installs that unwanted updated


7. Hungry + waiting = HANGRY!

Source: tumblr

8. People who reply late are the people you don’t want in your life

Source: Tumblr

9. Traffic jams make you want to kill someone

Source: Tumblr

10. You can’t watch a suspense movie/show because you can’t wait for the story to unfold - You would rather watch the end first.

Source: Gifsgallery

11. Be it a Math test or a 2-day diet, you want quick results for everything

Source: Tumblr

12. You hate everything and everyone who is late

Source: Tumblr

You know good things come to those who wait but you want good things fast!