If a man makes these mistake it will ruin his whole look, Make sure you don’t make these mistakes when you’re going out anywhere.
1. Wearing clothes that don’t fit
Wear clothes that fit you properly, no one looks good wearing a bag. Finding the right fit makes all the difference in how you look.
2. Wearing running shoes for anything apart from running
It looks odd, is not flattering and is pretty much dumb. Don’t wear running shoes for anything except running.
3. Baggy jeans
These were something you wore in the 90’s. Buy jeans that fit.
4. Wearing socks with sandals
This is the biggest style sin you can make, never wear socks and sandals together ever.
5. Tucking shirts in which don’t need to be tucked in
If you shirt has long tails it needs to be tucked in, if it doesn’t do not tuck them in your pants.
6. Improper grooming
If you’re going out and you look like Tom Hanks from Cast Away. Please get a hair cut and shave. If you’re growing your beard out please groom it.
7. Opening too many shirt buttons
No one wants to see your chest, please button up you’re making everyone uncomfortable.
8. Wearing a tie that’s lighter than your dress shirt
Your tie has to be darker than the colour of your dress shirt.
9. Too much jewelry
It’s okay to wear some jewelry if you like to but don’t over do it. No woman is going to be impressed if you’re wearing more rings than she is.
10. Not matching their belt with their shoes
The rule of thumb is that your belt should match your shoes.
11. Wearing inappropriate socks
White socks should never be worn with business or formal clothes. Socks can be colourful and show a hint of your personality but don’t go overboard with them.
12. Shirts with too much going on
If you’re wearing something like Ed Hardy or something with flames… please stop.