12 Things Girls Who Love To Wear Makeup Are Tired Of Hearing
Published: Dec 3, 2024

Makeup is simply an extension of the personality, and colours, clothing, makeup all express something. - Gene Simmons

Makeup lovers are always blamed for wearing a ‘mask’ and giving an artificial look. Here are 12 things girls who love to wear makeup are tired of hearing.

1. Why do you wear so much makeup?

Source: Tumblr

2. I think you look much better without makeup

Source: Tumblr

3. Do you go to sleep with all that makeup?


4. How long does it take you to get ready?

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5. It’s like you are wearing a mask all the time

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6. Are those your real eye lashes?

Source: Tumblr

7. Why do you need to change your nail colour on a daily basis? It looks exactly the same each time!


8. I would never bother doing that much makeup

Source: Tumblr

9. Boys don’t like girls who wear so much makeup

10. You must be one those who watch all those beauty video tutorials

Source: Tumblr

11. If you know 20 shades of pink then you definitely know about 50 Shades of Grey. Am I right?

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12. And you can save a lot of money if you don’t wear that much makeup

Source: unequivocallyawkward

Just live and let live, guys! If she wants to put makeup on HER OWN face, let her.